My health update

it's been a while...i know.

i have no excuse whatsoever.

i do read other peoples' blog though. i just don't have anything i want to write about anymore.

my kids are a gem. they really are so cute and loves you unconditionally no matter how awful you look. sometimes i don't want to get out of bed. but having them by my side really makes me want to do something about my life. i don't want to mope around anymore. i need to brighten up. just do... something.

i made a promise to myself to go exercise once a week.

get out and meet my friends once a month.

do little talk to at least one person at work.

meet and spend time with my family.

having fun at the park with my kids.

and lastly, went to my regular checkup.

it has been a long road to recovery. i think i feel a little bit better than the last time i wrote. there are some bad days but i overcome it.

it's true what people said. there is a silver lining in everything. i hope this is IT.


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