
Showing posts from September, 2019

BPD and me

it's been a while since i wrote here. there's a lot that is going on in my life. let's just say i'm trying to do something new in my life. praying for the best. am crossing fingers. so it's been a few months now since i had my new diagnosis. which is the most accurate. i think. apparently i developed depression because i have borderline personality disorder (BPD). if u don't know what that is, you can search or watch the movie;  Girl, Interrupted. which by the way doesn't really explains about the disorder but just a glimpse of a person living with bpd. anyway, the diagnosis really put every little thing that is wrong in me seems more tolerable. i think. well some things makes more sense if you know what the cause of it. but knowing you have a mental disorder doesn't really stop it from happening either. because i had the worst mental breakdown episode last week which makes my psychiatrist suggested to me two options. either i admitted to the