Messed up

i'm a mess. i don't know whether to feel happy or sad. i just feel miserable. i don't know if this is my depression talking because i thought i had move all past that.

you see, i try to wean myself from the meds. so now i have to confront all this shit feeling that i had ignored. maybe i wean myself too fast? or is this how i'm supposed to feel? i don't know. its all a jumble.

but i do know that i started to feel things again. things that i haven't been doing for soo long. maybe i am getting better. i just need time. and a holiday. am trying to save money but it's hard. nowadays, i'm in the mood of trying new food. yes, i splurge on food. i don't like shopping.

i'm thinking of korean food. but the affordable ones are not so great in taste. well the first few times are good but now it just tastes dull. so now the ones that are available are more expensive. can i do both? eating my heart out on a holiday?


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